The Inner Observer - TENT Rotterdam | Platform voor hedendaagse kunst The Inner Observer - TENT Rotterdam | Platform voor hedendaagse kunst

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The Inner Observer
The Inner Observer - TENT Rotterdam | Platform voor hedendaagse kunst

The Inner Observer


“In early years of life we scarcely remember events that took place, as our so-called declarative-memory is not yet fully developed. Our first years are however also a crucial constructor of the cognitive lens, through which we, from then on, process what we encounter. Inquiring into how past moments shape how we reason and perceive in the present, we have a conversation with strangers where we ask four questions relating to their childhood. Where could the reality of the perception of the past lay?”

Four Questions:
What is the first memory you still remember?
When do you believe your childhood ended?
What is one idea you are still trying to unlearn?
When do you believe you started to learn this idea?