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All photos by Aad Hoogendoorn | 1: Installation, Yoeri Guépin, 2: Wandgestalt, Babette Kleijn, 3: Unca Man, Dirk van Lieshout

From 14:00, join an explanation and exchange about the works of Dirk van Lieshout and Babette Kleijn. Curator Eva Burgering – curator Nest, The Hague & publication manager RADIUS, Delft – guides the conversation. Thematically, the works find each other in a search for balance in relation to the perception of time and rhythm. Registration is not necessary. Afterwards, you can have a cup of tea with Dirk van Lieshout.

14.00 – 15.00 | Exchange works Dirk van Lieshout and Babette Kleijn by Eva Burgering
15.00 – 18.00| Collecting seeds with Yoeri Guépin (cancelled)

Free entrance