By choosing ‘Prompts for the Time Being’ as the title of their collective presentation, the students of the 2023 Master of Education in Arts class at The Piet Zwart Institute voice their intention to co-host an inclusive space for open-ended, experiential learning. As you will see, hear and feel, these two days are all about trying things out, and letting the (unplanned) outcomes nurture a shared reflection. Whilst sharing specific readings, approaches and objectives across their practices, these creative educators each speak and act from a distinct position. We invite you to let their different worlds draw you in. 

With work from Ellis Bartholomeus, Femke Dekker, Eleonora Geortsiaki, Jesse Greulich, Hannah Goldstein, Louise Kleijweg, Felicitas Lenz, Jesse van Oosten, Leah Sands, Natalia Amelia Saied and Maaike van Papeveld 

Guest curator: Sophie Krier 
Graphic design: Kristin Metho 

‘Prompts for the Time Being’ is part of the Graduation Show 2023, Piet Zwart Institute, Willem de Kooning Academy. 

This event may have a photographer present.